about us

"A man should look for what is,
and not for what he thinks should be.
Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.
The important thing is not to stop questioning."
by Albert Einstein

Strano Medical Limited is a healthcare company specializing in Medical and Surgical Services, Medical Assessment Services, Aesthetic Business, and Telemedicine System Provision. Our primary focus is on Europe, particularly the United Kingdom and Italy, where we have established a strong network of healthcare professionals. Our goal is to form partnerships with our clients, as understanding their strategic objectives and healthcare needs allows us to add more value and contribute to better health outcomes.

Strano Medical Limited is dedicated to promoting Telemedicine and helping it reach its full potential. All our products feature advanced IT capabilities and are designed in accordance with human interface guidelines to facilitate seamless human-computer interaction. This approach ensures that our products are user-friendly for both healthcare professionals and patients.

Our company is headquartered in the United Kingdom, and the Strano Medical Limited operates under the following trade names: Strano Medical Limited, Induce Medical Aesthetic Clinic, Kent D4 Medical, Leo Medical Courses, and PageOnWeb Media.